PTCMA Executive Committee 2024/2025
The PTCMA is overseen by an Executive Committee consisting of individuals elected from our corporate members.
Refilwe Magano
Dr Ayanda Mbuli
Sandra Slabbert
Dr Heather Rens
Dr Lee Moses
Dr Natasha Langley
Marketing and Communication
Masego Masipa
Debra Davidson
Johan du Toit
Mpume Nhlapo
Ruth Field
Board of Directors
Dr Jacqui Miot
Dr Ayanda Mbuli
Sandra Slabbert
Honorary President
Prof Marc Blockman
DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (as per our constitution)
There are approximately four to five ExCo meetings a year, each of a two-hour duration.
ExCo shall:
- Manage the Association on behalf of the members
- Promote the vision, mission, and goals of the PTCMA
- Ensure that resolutions taken at general meetings are carried out.
- Promote the activities of sub-groups
- Promote the activities of regional groups
- Examine and either authorise, amend or reject proposals made for the organisation of conferences or meetings held under the aegis of the PTCMA
- Examine and either authorise, amend or reject constitutions of proposed PTCMA sub-groups and regional groups
- Lay down any annual subscriptions and define the monetary value tabulated in member’s subscriptions
Officers of PTCMA in accordance with the constitution are authorised in case of urgency where there is insufficient time to constitute a full ExCo meeting and where immediate action on behalf of the PTCMA is called for, to take decisions and such actions as are deemed necessary, provided that;
- 50% Of the ExCo officers shall constitute a quorum;
- Decisions and any actions taken shall be reported to the full ExCo as soon as possible
The Chairperson or, in his or her absence, the vice-chairperson, or any other member of ExCo nominated by the ExCo, shall be ex-officio a member of all sub-groups and regional groups, and of the committees of such groups, and of any other committees or sub-committees that may be formed under the auspices of the PTCMA.
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Please note that dates, topics and presenters are subject to change.
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